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need your help about sangokai protocole please

Verfasst: Mittwoch 17. November 2021, 10:06
von Xavier A
hello Sangokai reefers,

Sorry to speak english, "ich spreche nicht deutsh" :-) !

You could see the presentation of my sps tank on the presentation section.
Some of my sps are perfeckt( acro tortuosa, gomezi, turaki) : it's the species with smooth skin and little polype.
Some are pale : acro millepora, acro hoeksemai, hyacinthus.

I'm beginning Sangoikai basis protocole since 5 days, with the hope to have a better tank.

Some questions please :
1. is normal to have more green algae on the glass please ? is it the effect of sangokai trace element ?
2. how the nitrate and phosphate must progress please ?: down or up please ?
3. I 'm reading the A-Z sangokai pdf, but it is for me unclear (with translation) what level of parameters are advise ; No3, PO4,Kh.
4. I'm reducing the production of chaetomorphae in my refugium to have more nutrient : good or bad idea ?
5. I don't understant if a little refugium is advise, if zeolith and GFO si advise, or just a pure berlin method with just a skimmer ?
6. I hesitate to remove my evergrow 5012B led, and come back to my 8*54W ATI sunpower...
7. I will do an ICP test : can I add some additional and individual trace element please (Iode, etc.), or just add the Basis product ?

thanks for your big help,

Best regards from Paris, France


Re: need your help about sangokai protocole please

Verfasst: Donnerstag 18. November 2021, 09:58
von Xavier A
nobody could help me please ? ;-)

Re: need your help about sangokai protocole please

Verfasst: Donnerstag 18. November 2021, 16:54
von Jörg Kokott
Hi Xavier, just a short notice to let everybody know that we are in private conversation about your questions.

Re: need your help about sangokai protocole please

Verfasst: Freitag 19. November 2021, 00:36
von Xavier A
Thanks Jörg for all your help you could give me :-)

Re: need your help about sangokai protocole please

Verfasst: Freitag 19. November 2021, 09:45
von tropicreef
Xavier A hat geschrieben: Mittwoch 17. November 2021, 10:06 I will do an ICP test
please share this ICP test to us. i will advise you.